When preparing for a Bay of Fundy sea kayaking adventure, it’s essential to dress appropriately to ensure comfort and safety on the cooler waters. Here are some recommendations for what to wear:

Kayaking the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia


1. Quick-drying clothing: Choose synthetic materials like polyester or nylon that dry quickly. Avoid cotton, as it stays wet and can make you cold.

2. Insulating layer (depending on weather): If it’s cooler consider wearing a lightweight fleece or wool sweater. The Bay of Fundy waters stay cold throughout the summer.

3. Outer layer: Bring a waterproof or water-resistant jacket or windbreaker to protect against splashes and wind.

4. Swimwear: If it’s hot and you’re comfortable, you can wear swimwear underneath your other layers.


5. Water shoes or sturdy sandals: Choose footwear that can get wet and has good traction. Avoid flip-flops or bare feet, as they don’t provide protection or grip on the rugged Bay of Fundy beaches.


6. Hat: Wear a hat with a brim to protect your face from the sun and to keep the sun out of your eyes.

7. Sunglasses: Bring sunglasses with UV protection to shield your eyes from the sun’s glare off the water.

Additional Tips:

Layering: Dress in layers so you can adjust your clothing as needed based on weather conditions and your activity level.

Sun protection: Apply sunscreen to exposed skin, even on overcast days, and consider wearing a rash guard or long-sleeved shirt for added sun protection.

Avoid bulky items: Leave bulky or non-essential items behind to minimize clutter in your kayak.

By dressing appropriately for sea kayaking, you’ll stay comfortable and safe throughout your adventure on the water. Enjoy your time paddling and exploring!

What to wear on the Bay of Fundy